Counter-Strike 2 Mobile: CS:GO’s Successor Might Find Its Way To Android and iOS

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  • Counter-Strike 2 might be on its way to mobile
  • New command on the Source 2 console seems to suggest it
  • Here’s everything you need to know 


Last week, Valve announced the successor/update to its ultra-popular CG: GO, called Counter-Strike 2. It is now available for select users who are on the Limited Test. 

Now, a Twitter user has spotted code that seemingly suggests that Valve might be gearing up to bring the Counter-Strike franchise to mobile platforms, beginning with Counter-Strike 2.

A popular leaker Aquarius (@aquaismissing on Twitter), has posted this on Twitter:

Counter-Strike 2 allows you to edit maps and create custom commands in the console using CS2’s engine Source 2.

Source 2 is the engine that Counter-Strike 2 runs on. And this code suggests that the game can run at higher fps on mobile when the device is charging. 

Counter-Strike has never been on mobile platforms, and the presence of these commands on the Source 2 platform raises eyebrows. 

Riot Games is already working on the mobile port of its hit PvP multiplayer Valorant, a major competitor to CS: GO. It would only make sense that Valve is trying to bring its flagship game to mobile. Let’s wait for the arrival of CS2 on mobile! 

CS: GO is Retiring From Esports

Counter-Strike 2’s predecessor CS: GO, is probably one of the biggest hits in Esports. Valve has now announced that the forthcoming Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Major in Paris will be the last CS: GO tournament. 

CS2 will take over the Major tournament in March 2024. 


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