140+ Happy Raksha Bandhan Wishes 2023, Quotes, Messages, Captions, Images, Greetings and More

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Raksha Bandhan, also known as Rakhi, celebrates the special bond between siblings. This cherished tradition involves tying a sacred thread, the rakhi, around a brother’s wrist as a symbol of protection. In return, brothers give gifts. The festival brings families together for gifts, traditional food, and to strengthen the sibling love. Explore our collection of 140+ Happy Raksha Bandhan wishes, along with quotes, messages, captions, and images, to convey your warm regards on this occasion.

raksha bandhan

Raksha Bandhan Quotes 2023

  1. On this special occasion, I tie a Rakhi with all my love and affection for you
  2. Rakhi wishes to my sibling who brings so much love and laughter to our lives. 
  3. Happy Raksha Bandhan to my bundle of cuteness
  4. Happy Rakhi, you’re truly a blessing in our lives.
  5. You may be small, but you have the biggest place in my heart. Happy Rakhi
  6. On this Rakhi, I pray for your well-being and success in all your endeavors
  7. Happy Raksha Bandhan to my sibling who makes everyday special.
  8. Happy Rakhi to the one who brings so much joy in my life 
  9. Rakhi greetings to my partner in crime and my best friend. You’re an awesome brother.
  10. To my sibling, you are the joy of our family. I love you a lot.

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Happy raksha bandhan 2023 wishes

  1. May you always be happy and healthy. Happy Raksha Bandhan.
  2. Wishing you a lifetime of happiness and togetherness. Happy Raksha Bandhan
  3. May the protective thread of love that ties you together keep you safe from all harm. Happy Raksha Bandhan
  4. I pray that God blesses you with all the happiness and success in life. Happy Raksha Bandhan
  5. May your brotherly bond be as strong as iron. Happy Raksha Bandhan
  6. I hope you never break in times of trouble. Happy Raksha Bandhan
  7. May this Bandhan bring you all the happiness. Happy Raksha Bandhan
  8. May God bless you and protect you always. Happy Raksha Bandhan
  9. May this Raksha Bandhan be a special one for you.
  10. May this festival bring us all the happiness in the world.

Raksha bandhan 2023 wishes for brother

  1. On this Raksha Bandhan, I want to let you know that you are the best brother in the world and I love you. Happy Raksha Bandhan Bhaiya.
  2. May your life be filled with happiness and good health. Happy Raksha Bandhan.
  3. May you be successful in all your endeavors. Happy Raksha Bandhan.
  4. May we always be by each other’s side in good times and bad. Happy Raksha Bandhan
  5. May our bond of love continue to grow stronger with each passing year. Happy Raksha Bandhan
  6. I pray that all your dreams and aspirations come true. Happy Raksha Bandhan
  7. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. I love you. Happy Raksha Bandhan
  8. I wish that this Raksha Bandhan brings you everything you desire in life. Happy Raksha Bandhan
  9. You are the most special person in my life. Happy Raksha Bandhan
  10. I pray that all your dreams come true. Happy Raksha Bandhan

Raksha bandhan 2023 wishes for sister

  1. Wishing you a very happy Raksha Bandhan my sister! 
  2. Sisters bring sunshine to our lives. Happy Rakhi
  3. A sister’s love is a source of joy. Happy Rakhi
  4. You are the apple of my eye. Happy Rakhi
  5. You are my first friend and my forever friend. Happy Rakhi
  6. You are not just my sister; you are my pillar of strength. Happy Rakhi
  7. Happy Rakhi to my source of inspiration, my sister.
  8. Happy Rakhi to the one who makes my life sweeter
  9. Happy Rakhi to my sister, her love for me is forever
  10. Sisters make the best friend, happy Rakhi 

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raksha bandhan

Heart touching raksha bandhan quotes

  1. Brothers and sisters make the best memories together. Happy Rakhi
  2. With Rakhi, we renew our bond of love. Happy Raksha Bandhan
  3. You are my constant source of happiness and love. Happy Rakhi
  4. Happy Rakhi to the one who understands me like no one else
  5. You make my life brighter. Happy Raksha Bandhan
  6. Happy Rakhi. I’m grateful to have you
  7. Happy Raksha Bandhan to the one who is always cherished by me
  8. Tying you this thread of love and protection, happy Rakhi 
  9. Our love knows no distance, happy Rakhi
  10. A brother’s love is forever. Happy Raksha Bandhan

Famous raksha bandhan quotes

  1. Sibling share a special bond that time and distance can never break. Happy Rakhi.
  2. You are not just my brother. you are my confidant, my advisor, and my biggest cheerleader. Happy Rakhi
  3. Sibling may squabble and fight, but deep down, their love is pure and unconditional. 
  4. On Raksha Bandhan, I pray for your happiness, success, and well-being. You deserve all the love and joy in the world. 
  5. Dear sister, you make everyday brighter with your presence. Happy Rakhi 
  6. A sibling’s love is like a warm embrace that comforts the soul and fills the heart with joy. 
  7. Sibling’s are like stars in the night sky, guiding us through the darkness and lighting up our lives. 
  8. On this Rakhi, I want to tell you that you are not just my sibling, but my role model and my hero. 🦸
  9. Having a sibling like you is a treasure that I cherish every day. 
  10. A sibling’s love is a precious gift that enriches our lives in countless ways. Rakhi 

Images for raksha bandhan wishes 

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raksha bandhan

raksha bandhan

raksha bandhan

raksha bandhan

Funny raksha bandhan wishes for brother 

  1. Rakhi is a reminder that you have to thank God that you have me🤣🤣, happy Rakhi 
  2. This day would have been ordinary, had I not been there to tie you Rakhi 😉
  3. Just reminding you to start looking for presents for me for Rakhi 🎁 
  4. Happy Rakhi to my bodyguard who works for me for free too🤣
  5. I always thank god on your behalf that you got the best sister in the world 🤣 so treat her well. Happy Rakhi
  6. You are a big fat liar but I would agree when you say that I’m more intelligent than you🤣
  7. You are an awesome brother, that’s why you will be getting me gifts every month, not just for Rakhi
  8. I know I need to match your level of style so this Rakhi I’m accepting a whole new wardrobe🤣
  9. I always wondered why do I have you in my life, now I have the answer, to add trouble and humor to my life🤣
  10. Whenever I see you then I know that my life can’t get worst than this🤣🤣

Long Distance Raksha Bandhan Wishes

  1. Thank you for always believing in me. Happy Rakhi
  2. Happy Raksha Bandhan to the most lovable and adorable brother. Happy Rakhi 
  3. You’re simply the best. Happy Raksha Bandhan
  4. On this Rakhi, I send you all my love and blessings. Happy Rakhi
  5. You’re special to me always, happy Rakhi
  6. My little brother, you are my sunshine on cloudy days. Happy Rakhi. 
  7. Happy Raksha Bandhan brother, Keep shining.
  8. Happy Rakhi to my little partner in adventures
  9. Happy Raksha Bandhan to the best brother in the world. 
  10. I’m lucky to have you. Happy Rakhi  

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raksha bandhan

Unique Raksha Bandhan Wishes 2023

  1. Siblings by chance, friends by choice. Happy Rakhi
  2. We are bonded by love & protected by a thread. Happy Rakhi
  3. Together we stand united and conquer. Happy Raksha Bandhan
  4. Happy Rakhi, we are a perfect sibling pair
  5. We are tied by Rakhi but inseparable by heart
  6. Happy Rakhi to my superhero
  7. Happy Rakhi to my brother who is a superhero in disguise
  8. You are my best friend, happy Rakhi
  9. You are my priceless treasure, happy Rakhi
  10. We share a bond like no other, happy Raksha Bandhan 

Raksha Bandhan Greetings 2023

  1. Your love is a priceless treasure, happy Rakhi
  2. Happy Rakhi to my partner in crime
  3. Happy Rakhi to my source of strength in my life
  4. Happy Raksha Bandhan to my source of inspiration for everything I do
  5. Happy Rakhi to the one in whom I find support
  6. Happy Raksha Bandhan to my Pillar of strength & support
  7. Tying a knot of love and protection forever, happy Rakhi
  8. Hope this Rakhi strengthens our bond even more
  9. Happy Rakhi to the one who stands through thick and thin of my life
  10. Happy Rakhi to the one best gift my parents have given me

Best Raksha Bandhan Messages 2023

  1. May our bond of love be strong and unbreakable. Happy Raksha Bandhan
  2. May you always be by my side in good times and bad. Happy Raksha Bandhan
  3. May God shower his blessings on you always. Happy Raksha Bandhan
  4. May God protect you always. Happy Raksha Bandhan
  5. Happy Raksha Bandhan my dear brother. I love you so much
  6. You are my best friend and I care for you deeply. Happy Raksha Bandhan
  7. I pray that you will always be happy and healthy. Happy Raksha Bandhan
  8. Wishing you all the joy and happiness that Raksha Bandhan brings.
  9. May this festival bring you good fortune for you always. Happy Raksha Bandhan
  10. May the joy and happiness of Raksha Bandhan be with you always.

Best Raksha Bandhan or Rakhi Captions 2023 

  1. Wishing you a blessed and happy Raksha Bandhan
  2. May this special day bring lots of love, luck and happiness to you
  3. May God bless you and keep you safe always. Happy Rakhi
  4. Happy Rakhi to the one who always stands by my side
  5. Happy Rakhi to the one who had the most warmest hug 
  6. Happy Rakhi to the one who protects me like a shield always
  7. Tying an ordinary thread to the most special and precious thread of my life
  8. Happy Rakhi to the one who has a lifelong connection with me
  9. Happy Raksha Bandhan to my best ally
  10. Happy Rakhi to my guiding light 

Raksha Bandhan Hashtags 2023

  1. #rakshabandhan
  2. #rakhi
  3. #rakshabandhanspecial
  4. #rakhigifts
  5. #brothersisterlove
  6. #siblinglove
  7. #rakshabandhangifts
  8. #happyrakshabandhan
  9. #beautifulrakhi
  10. #handmaderakhi
  11. #rakhifestival
  12. #rakhicollection
  13. #rakhihampers
  14. #rakhicelebration
  15. #indianfestival
  16. #rakhigift
  17. #rakhidesigns
  18. #rakshabandhanfestival
  19. #rakhiforbrother
  20. #rakhiforsister


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