Today’s Wordle answer and hints – March 10th 2022

wordle march 10th 2022

Today’s Wordle answer is a bit of a classic. It’s not so simple that it’s easy, but not so difficult that it’s frustrating. There are other possible answers that use similar letters, but not so many that you end up randomly guessing and failing entirely. With a bit of luck you might get it in 2/6; if things go badly, it might be 5/6 or 6/6.

In short, it’s a great example of what makes Wordle so compelling. But that doesn’t mean you won’t benefit from a little help. So, if you’re struggling, let me give you a push in the right direction.

Each day, I’ll be updating this article with some tips to help you find today’s Wordle answer. And I’ll even give you the solution, in case you’re really stuck or just haven’t had time to complete today’s puzzle. But no cheating though, because that’s bad. 

Today’s Wordle answer is a good one. You might not need hints, particularly if you use one of the best Wordle start words. But if you want a couple, you’re in the right place.

So, here are a couple of starter clues to help you solve it.

  • It uses two vowels
  • One of the vowels ends the word

That’s possibly enough info to point you in the right direction, but if you want a bigger clue then read on. And if you just want to know the answer then I won’t judge you. Honest. Just scroll down further for that.

But before you take that option, here’s my final hint: today’s Wordle answer is a mistake.

Hopefully that’s given you enough clues — but if you just want to know the answer then scroll down a little further…

So, what is today’s Wordle answer for game #264?

I won’t keep you waiting any longer — it’s LAPSE.

In case I hadn’t made this clear yet, I really like today’s Wordle answer. It’s just at the right difficulty level to make it a challenge, but it’s not so hard that solving it becomes a chore. And yes, I might be taking this all a bit seriously. 

Anyway, LAPSE is a fairly common word. According to Word and Phrase Info, it ranks 10,169th in the list of most frequently used English words — so a lot higher than yesterday’s answer, MONTH, but a fair bit lower than plenty of other recent solutions.

What does LAPSE mean? Well, here’s some of what Merriam-Webster says:


  • a slight error typically due to forgetfulness or inattention
  • a temporary deviation or fall especially from a higher to a lower state
  • the termination of a right or privilege through neglect to exercise it within some limit of time


  • to fall from an attained and usually high level (as of morals or manners) to one much lower
  • to go out of existence

So essentially, it’s a slight error often caused by forgetfulness — like when I forget to update this page as soon as a new Wordle appears.

So, how did my game go? Pretty well, actually — which might be one reason why I liked the answer. I played my usual start word, STARE, and that gave me one green and two yellow letters. 

My second guess, FALSE, wasn’t a million miles away, in that it gave me two more green letters and one more yellow. At that stage I knew the word was LA_SE and LAPSE was the only option I could think of.

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