How to Edit Mistakenly-Sent Messages On Telegram?

Telegram is one of the best messaging apps for sending messages. It’s a great platform to share photos, videos, and other content with your friends and family. However, it can be confusing at times when you receive messages from people you don’t know. How do you decide what to reply?

The article is about how to edit a Telegram message that has been sent by someone else. However, I think this is something that should be done by the sender of the message, not by some third party like an editor or an intermediary.

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Here we explain How to Edit Mistakenly-Sent Messages On Telegram

Steps to edit sent messages on Telegram mobile application:

If you want to edit any sent text before the recipient reads it, you need to be very quick. Follow these below-mentioned methods to do so:

  • With a long press, you can edit messages in the Android version of the Telegram app. Choose the conversation you wish to edit a message in to get started.
  • Next, simply tap and hold the message you want to alter in the chat.
  • A toolbar will appear at the top of the screen after the message has been selected. Tap the edit button, which appears here as a pencil icon.
  • Now, you can change the message to whatever you want (The original message will be displayed above.).
  • When finished, click the checkmark icon.
  • The corrected message will now display with the label “Edited” next to it.

In the case of iPhone users, the steps are quite similar. The slight difference can only be found in the app’s interface.

Steps to edit sent messages on Telegram desktop applications:

For your PC, Telegram offers a native, dependable messaging experience. Along with every other feature, editing a message is also available there. Here are the methods:

  • On your desktop, open the Telegram app and then navigate to the conversation that contains the message you wish to change.
  • Right-click on the message you need to modify after locating it. Select “Edit” from this menu.
  • To send the message after editing it, click the checkmark button.
  • The “Edited” tag will now appear next to the updated chat message.

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